At the beginning of class I referenced TED: Ideas Worth Spreading. Although Morozov gave a TED talk and was a TED fellow in 2009, he wrote a scathing review of three books published by TED. The review is worth a read because it’s really less of a book review as much as it is a condemnation of techno-utopianism.
Aside from governments using internet technology to spy on you, LG has been apparently logging data on the vieweing habits of its owners and sending those logs, without encryption, back to LG’s servers.
Everyone should follow Morozov on Twitter. Here’s one of his recent tweets.
There's only one way for Rob Ford to redeem himself now: learn how to code.
— Evgeny Morozov (@evgenymorozov) November 19, 2013
One juicy nugget he uncovered was an article on the death of the consumer by Clay Shirky, who we will read next week.
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