Professor Joanna Miller of the Queens College Sociology department asks:
Do you understand how to find and integrate quantitative evidence into their papers and presentation?
You can locate statistics on a variety of subjects through a new online subscription to the Statistical Abstract of the United States, on the Queens College website. You can also find links to reports on these subjects.
Tables in the Abstract inform a vast array of substantive topics appropriate to virtually any course. Most papers/presentations would benefit from data on current trends. Even assignments in which students write personal narratives could place their experiences in a relative context. Tables can be downloaded into Excel and copied directly into papers or graphs constructed within Excel.
The Abstract is located on the QC library website under Find Databases. Go to the letter “S” and scroll down to the bottom to the Statistical Abstract of the U.S. Note that using this resource from off-campus computers requires that you login with the bar code on the back of your Queens College ID card.
Media Technologies students: can use these data in many courses, even if you don’t use it in our class.
(Joanne Miller via Socrates mailing list.)